Notes from the Villa

Brooklyn Ballet Founding Artistic Director, Lynn Parkerson reflects on her first month at the Villa Waldberta artist residency in Munich, Germany.

Out and up from my balcony.
I am mostly breathing.

How did I get here
Munich friends and colleagues, Kalle and Augusta Laar, initiated this wonder. 
I’ll be performing with them at their Women’s Poetry Festival on October 28.


and Augusta

There are monthly gatherings, "Jourfix" here at the Villa Waldberta, of friends and culturally interested Volk.
I’m inspired to improvise with Georgian musician/composer Anzor Ghudushauri at September’s Jourfix.
Other artists in residence include an installation artist from Georgia, a set designer and a puppeteer from Austria, and a music historian from London.

At October’s Jourfix, Munich collaborator Claudia Jeschke and I hold court with a talk about Brooklyn Ballet and our process for creating the Waltz of the Flowers for The Brooklyn Nutcracker
Claudia and I are working here at the Villa on the Parents Dance for the first Act Party Scene, utilizing historical information including tableaus, formations, and spacial patterns as the foundation for the Company’s mixed genre dance steps.

And there was summer time with Aaron and Mira. We’re on a boat on the Starnberger See (Starnberg Lake).

And reading always. On deck, a season of women writers.

Congrats to Rosalie Knecht, former BB development assistant, on her second novel!
Happy Fall,



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