Pas de Quatre On Demand!

Monday, February 22, 2021Monday, March 22, 2021

In celebration of Black History Month, Brooklyn Ballet is presenting last year's Pas de Quatre performance online - free for you to view at home - including new ballerina comments! 


If you are able, we suggest a $10 donation to view this performance. Donations help Brooklyn Ballet to continue our innovative and inclusive programming both virtually and in-person. Donors of $10 or more will also receive Quartet, Brooklyn Ballet's hip hop response to Pas de Quatre.

Revisit the conversation from 2020’s Pas de Quatre on NBC and ABC

Performed in February 2020 at The Mark O'Donnell Theater at The Actors Fund Arts Center, Pas de Quatre features Brooklyn Ballet professional dancers Courtney CochranPaunika JonesMiku Kawamura, and Christine Emi Sawyer

Pas de Quatre originally made its premiere in London in 1845, choreographed by Jules Perrot for four of the greatest ballerinas of the time. Adorned in white tutus, the work captured the essence of the Romantic style and demanded a clear execution of the ballet technique; adagio, petite allegro, fast footwork, elegant fluid arm movements, and graceful changes of position. Restaged in 1941 by Anton Dolin, Brooklyn Ballet sets Dolin’s version with a cast of 4 diverse and nuanced ballerinas coached by dance historian and winner of this year’s TanzPreis Munich, Claudia Jeschke. The costumes, designed by Sylvia Nolan, are a testament to the evolution of the 21st Century ballerina with tutus that reflect the dancer’s skin tones, yet stay true to the historical time period, while pianist Julius Abrahams plays Cesare Pugni’s score live.