Live Music: Rehearsing with Gil Morgenstern/Reflection Series International
Tentatively titled “Spiders, Cooks and Mood Swings," Lynn Parkerson's newest work-in-progress will feature in Brooklyn Ballet's 10th anniversary season performances this month and next. Purchase tickets here.
It was Gil Morgenstern, violinist and director of Reflection Series International, who first suggested including Stravinsky’s “Suite Italienne” in Brooklyn Ballet’s performances. The reduced form of the Stravinsky suite--just violin and piano--appealed to Lynn because it is open, transparent, penetrating. Movements of the suite will also be explored by frequent collaborator Mike “Supreme” Fields and his crew of street dancers.
Rehearsing and performing with live accompaniment by Gil on violin and Julius Abrahams on piano is a dream. The video below provides a quick listen:
Brooklyn Ballet In Rehearsal with Gil Morgernstern/Reflection Series International from Brooklyn Ballet on Vimeo.